Chad Fisher


geospatial data scientist passionate about a sustainable & just future

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My Portfolio

Tufts University Data Lab:

While working as a data lab assistant and geospatial data scientist at Tufts, I have assisted on diverse spatial research projects and developed numerous online applications using ESRI tools.

CRWA Regional Tree Planting and Protection Plan:

As a consultant with Corcoran Environmental Consulting LLC, we created a comprehensive plan assessing existing conditions and future challenges to tree canopy cover in the Charles River Watershed as well as outlining regional planting, protection, and maintenance priorities.

Regional Tree Planting and Protection Plan Regional Tree Planting and Protection Plan Webinar

Exploring Tree Equity in Boston:

While a summer fellow at Speak for the Trees, Boston, I developed numerous interactive web mapping applications to visualize tree canopy cover, demographic data, and other environmental variables.

Tree Equity Maps WGBH Article featuring my tool! Tree Canopy Explorer

Class Projects:

While a summer fellow at Speak for the Trees, Boston, I developed numerous interactive web mapping applications to visualize tree canopy cover, demographic data, and other environmental variables.

Tree Equity Maps WGBH Article featuring my tool! Tree Canopy Explorer

Just for Fun:

Random hobby projects I've worked on.

MA Ice Cream Trail